Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ms. Smith!

     Howdy! I'm Hannah. I'm a rising senior and an English/education major who has somehow managed to evade ENG264 until now (I'm minoring in anthropology and theatre, which provides for some interesting scheduling!). Someday I hope to attend graduate school for linguistic anthropology (feel free to ask me what that is; everyone else does). I'm taking other classes this summer, as well: first session I have intro to theatre at 8AM, and second session I am precepting for English108, a class that rising freshmen will be taking. 
     I have never taken an online course before, but my roommate Meredith took this same class last summer and had a great experience with it. I've also never had a class with Dr. Glance before, which seems crazy, given that I'm a fourth-year English major, so here's my chance. I have a lot of questions about an online class. Dr. Glance proposes to "emulate" a traditional classroom setting, and I wonder first, if that can be done. My bigger question, though, is to what degree should that be done? An online course is a unique experience, and perhaps trying to make it match the traditional classroom setting that it can never be is selling it short. Regardless, I'm interested to explore my own ideas and those of others regarding the existence and existentialism of the online course. Mostly because I'm a nerd. 
     I would ordinarily be nervous about remembering assignments and chats when I don't have a professor and classmates to remind me, but fortunately my boyfriend and I are both in this class; therefore, it's his fault if I forget, not y'all's. I will confess that I am a bit nervous about getting it all done. Between classes and working (I work at Wendy's...thrilling, no?), some of my days are busier than others. It may require some, uh, creative scheduling to get it all in. Ultimately, that's why I'm taking an online class: for the flexibility that it provides. 
     Glancing over the roster in Blackboard, I only know two people in this class, I think (hi Laura and Corbs!), so I'm also glad to be getting to know sixteen new people this summer. And now you know me!